Sample Essay on:
Isolation Precautions

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Essay / Research Paper Abstract

A 3 page research paper that describes the current CDC guidelines on this topic and emphasizes the importance of adherence in order to control the spread of contagion. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

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listed below. Citation styles constantly change, and these examples may not contain the most recent updates. Isolation Precautions Enterprises Inc. By - properly! Isolation precautions constitute one of the most effective forms of primary prevention for the spread of contagious diseases (Gould, 2009). There are five principles regarding infection control. These are: "Isolation of patients and barrier precautions; Decontamination of items and equipment; Decontamination of environment; Handwashing and Prudent use of antibiotics" (Gould, 2009, p. 48). In 2008, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) published updated guidelines pertaining to the transmission of infectious agents and this document reemphasizes the need to use these standard precautions (Tarrac, 2008). In caring for patients where isolation precautions are required, the CDC recommends, first of all, that standards precautions, with particular focus on hand hygiene, should be followed. Contact precautions should include wearing gloves and a gown during patient contact and using dedicated equipment whenever possible (Tarrac, 2008). In cases where airborne precautions are needed, the patient "should be placed in an airborne infection isolation room" and healthcare providers should wear a fit-tested respirator, "at least as protective as a "NIOSH-approved N-95 filtering mask" (Tarrac, 2008, p. 539). The importance of following isolation procedures precisely is discussed by Aly, et al (2007) in reporting on the case of a four-year-old child who presented with chickenpox encephalitis. There were three secondary cases of chickenpox among the ICU staff nurses who cared for the child, which developed 16-21 days after exposure (Aly, et al, 2007). These authors point out that secondary prevention precautions, such as "adherence to isolation precautions, exclusion of susceptible ...

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