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Essay / Research Paper Abstract
A 9 page paper providing background information on South Korea and an entry strategy for the Australian developer of a hydrogen-fueled car. South Korea has a strong interest in technology, and it has an even stronger interest in its own environment. The purpose here is to develop an entry strategy by which GMH can successfully market the H car in South Korea. Recommendations include establishing an alliance with a well-respected local automotive business; gaining the tacit support of government; and implementing an education program highlighting the benefits of hydrogen technology and what it can mean not only for South Korea’s environment, but also for the individual consumer. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Page Count:
9 pages (~225 words per page)
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General Motors Holden, Australia (GMH) has identified South Korea as being an apt site for introduction of a hydrogen-powered car (the H car), originally intended to be marketed first
in Australia. The H car appears to hold great promise for future generation transportation. It burns no fossil fuel at all, thus eliminating all criteria compounds from auto
emissions. It is powered solely by hydrogen, which it obtains from plain water. Not only does it drastically reduce the accumulation of greenhouse gases, it uses a freely
available, non-carbon resource. The H car provides these immense benefits without too much sacrifice in performance, and it is particularly suited to the urban environment.
South Korea has a strong interest in technology, and it has an even stronger interest in its own environment. The purpose here is to develop an
entry strategy by which GMH can successfully market the H car in South Korea. Recommendations include establishing an alliance with a well-respected local automotive business; gaining the tacit support
of government; and implementing an education program highlighting the benefits of hydrogen technology and what it can mean not only for South Koreas environment, but also for the individual consumer.
Introduction South Korea is one of the "tigers" of Southeast Asia. It has embraced capitalism and economic growth as has only a
few other Asian nations, and the effects over the past 20 years have combined to result in bringing Korea to a level of per capita income ($19,600 by 2002) on
par with the smaller economies of Western Europe (Korea, 2003). Growth has been rapid, declining only during the years of the Asian currency crisis. Mission Statement