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Interpretation of Maya Angelou’s Phenomenal Woman

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A 5 page interpretative essay on Maya Angelou’s poem Phenomenal Woman. The paper examines some of Angelou’s life as well. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

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is very colorful and intense and the poem Phenomenal Woman is no exception. This poem is a poem about self confidence, being a woman despite not fitting the media mold of a woman. It speaks of beauty and power in many different ways. It is a poem that is clearly more geared towards women than men, but it is also a poem that men could learn from for it speaks of being powerful and sexy and beautiful despite not looking like a media woman who is skinny and presumably perfect. The following paper interprets and discusses her poem. Interpretation of Maya Angelous Phenomenal Woman In first looking at her poem it is perhaps important to understand something of the woman that is Maya Angelou. She is a woman who has essentially lived through a great deal of various types of struggle, many specific to the African American woman in terms of fighting against particular stereotypes. As a young girl she was raped, and apparently she did some time as a prostitute and also a madam (Cecil). She is a very tall woman, around 6 feet, and ultimately very imposing and powerful. But, it is her inner strength that truly emanates from her and it is clearly seen in this particular poem. In many ways it is a poem that illustrates how far she has come in relationship to her self confidence as one author notes in the following" "[S]he is aware that she is not cute or built to suit a fashion models size; rather she is tall, large-boned, physically imposing...Through a self-reflection, she is finally able to define herself...This poem is a marker for both her personal maturation and the tenor of the times. Her evolution from the sometimes painfully silent, self-effacing girl of the Depression era ...

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