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Essay / Research Paper Abstract
A 3 page research paper that briefly describes the ASP code behind Internet shopping carts, Security Sockets Layer code, and the logistics of employing PayPal to handle shopping transactions. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
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Server Pages (ASP) refers to a "server-side scripting technology" that allows merchants to generate "dynamic Web pages," such as guest books and shopping carts, which address ordering information (MODC). ASP
code is typically embedded within the HTML code of the page; however, due to the fact that processing occurs on the server, the ASP code is generally not sent to
the users browser. This means that customers to the site never see the ASP code and receive only the encoded HTML material (MODC). ASP is typically employed with Visual Basic
Scripting Edition, but can also be utilized with either JavaScript or JScript (MODC). is the "next generation of server-side processing" and can be written in a variety of computer
languages, such as C++ (MODC). This is an efficient server-side programming platform that enables the e-commerce merchant to formulate a broad range of marketing solutions, while also providing a high
level of security (MODC). Furthermore, due to the fact that code is "compiled rather than embedded within the page," e-commerce using has demonstrated better performance than sites using
either classic ASP or other scripting languages (MODC). Whatever e-commerce solution that a merchant decides to use, security considerations should be a priority. The Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) is
a term that refers to a widely used protocol for handling security of a "message transmission on the Internet" (Secure Sockets Layer). SSL uses a "program layer," which is situated
between the Internets Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) and the Transport Control Protocol (TCP) layers (Secure Sockets Layer). Both the Microsoft and Netscape browsers, as well as other Web server
products, include SSL as part of their structure (Secure Sockets Layer). Developed originally by Netscape, SSL has garnered the support of Microsoft and other client/server developers, becoming the "de factor