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Essay / Research Paper Abstract
8 pages in length. Today's global population is a witness to the greatest revolution since industrialism. The extent to which the Internet is a reality impacting lives in unprecedented ways is both grand and far-reaching; that the economic, social and cultural gap between/among global communities is steadily shrinking speaks to powerful role Internet technology continues to play. However, as generations overlap and technologies and expectations change with great rapidity, people have mixed opinions about how the WWW maintains such a stronghold on aspects of everyday life. Nonetheless, one thing remains certain: the Internet is here to stay, so people need to educate themselves on how to objectively take advantage of everything it has to offer. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
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the economic, social and cultural gap between/among global communities is steadily shrinking speaks to powerful role Internet technology continues to play. However, as generations overlap and technologies and expectations
change with great rapidity, people have mixed opinions about how the WWW maintains such a stronghold on aspects of everyday life. Nonetheless, one thing remains certain: the Internet is
here to stay, so people need to educate themselves on how to objectively take advantage of everything it has to offer. II. UNDERSTANDING GLOBALIZATION, THE INTERNET AND THEIR COLLECTIVE
IMPACT UPON THE WORLD Coining the term globalization in the context of Internet and its uses, one finds its application in myriad places, not the least of which include global
communications, economics, cultural assimilation and education. The Internet revolution has enabled people from all areas of the globe to participate in free and abundant exchange of interaction, commerce, daily
tasks (such as online banking and making purchases), as well as earning a degree from the comfort of ones own home. Indeed, the way in which such freedom of
choice has changed todays social, moral and ethical values is quite remarkable; children are becoming more aware of the world far away from their own by virtue of in-class Internet
instruction. One of the most prevalent ways in which the Internet has changed the way todays individuals live their lives, learn and communicate is with telecommunications. There was a
time when students had to rely upon the traditional - and archaic - educational methods of attending class, abiding by the pre-established schedules of instructors, following a curriculum upon which
they had little time to focus, as well as rearranging their lives to accommodate their schooling. This is no longer the case with the advent of telecommunications technology in