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Essay / Research Paper Abstract
This 6 page paper considers three potential destination for the expansion of a water filter company; Iran, Nigeria and Kenya. After outlining why the company wants to expand and the benefits the paper briefly compares the economic and political environment in each country and then looks more closely at Kenya as a potential destination. The bibliography cites 5 sources.
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6 pages (~225 words per page)
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with the passing of water though the filter with no mechanical help. These are advantageous as they do not require power and are fairly easy to export, there are no
moving parts and the ease of use means that as will as protecting health by filtering out viruses and parasites, the product is also easy to understand and suited to
countries where there are very low levels of education. The current situation is one where the company is wanting to expand. Without the need to build a manufacturing plant,
the pull factors of the different markets are the main driving forces. The current level of expansion has been limited to the west, where there is little political instability, therefore,
looking more to the middle east and Africa, where there are string market pull factors, there are increased political risks which are not appreciated. Looking at the international market
and the reasons for the desire to expand there are several driving forces. The first may be seen as a push factor., the market in the US is reaching maturity,
there are high levels of competition and due to the high level of competition there is an increasing likelihood of decreasing profits. This is pushing the company to look for
new market, where the product will fit in well with the market needs and there is a demand or a need for this product. To gain from the newer markets
there has to be a high level of commitment, as there will be the need for a longer lead time, as markets may need to be created based on the
health needs, the population educated about the product and the need to set up new distribution chains, However, in an emerging market there are fewer competitors and gaining entrance at