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Essay / Research Paper Abstract
This 7 page paper discusses Gardner’s Theory of Multiple Intelligences. The author argues the point that really it is the application of intelligence, or perhaps the application of our talents, that define success. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
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listed below. Citation styles constantly change, and these examples may not contain the most recent updates. Gardners Theory of Multiple Intelligences Research Compiled for The
Paper Store, Inc. by 8/2011 Please
1297 Howard Gardners Theory of Multiple Intelligences is captivating in its implications yet the accuracy of those implications and
the posits of the theory itself are also highly debatable. It is important to remember when considering Gardners theory that the manner in which psychologists explain the phenomena of
intelligence can be broken into two broad explanations. The first explanation suggests one single factor determines intelligence while the second explanation contends that instead there is a multitude of
diverse factors which blend together to determine intelligence. The first explanation is categorized as a "general intelligence" path. The second explanation, that advocated by Gardner, is the pluralist
approach. Gardner proposes that not only are there varied types of intelligences, different parts of the brain control different types of learning experiences. A more likely scenario is
one which combines both the generalist view of intelligence with the pluralist view. The intent of this paper is to contend just that and to further that thought with
the contention that talent and common sense are both important factors in this relationship. Common sense, however, lies not in the knowledge but in the application of the knowledge.
An individual not using common sense might not apply his/her talents in the most beneficial manner. It seems apparent that while there