Here is the synopsis of our sample research paper on Integrated Marketing Communications - An Analysis. Have the paper e-mailed to you 24/7/365.
Essay / Research Paper Abstract
A 43 page paper. The integrated marketing communications process puts one single, unifying message in front of consumers. Any communication message from the company, whether it is a public relations spot or a full-fledged marketing campaign carries this one message. This paper begins with an introduction that comments on advertising and the hierarchy of effects. It then explains and discusses the differences between integrated marketing communications (IMC) and traditional marketing communication. This is a comprehensive discussion of what IMC is and how it works, ending with a table illustrating the differences between IMC and traditional models. Next, is a brief discussion of the criticism levied against IMC and rebuttal. The writer then presents the results of some IMC campaigns and finally discusses the best uses for the IMC approach. 1 Table included. Bibliography lists 17 sources.
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43 pages (~225 words per page)
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that occurs is a communication activity - the company is communicating to the consumer why they should buy the product. Thus, advertising is a form of persuasive communication. Weilbacher quoted
Russell Colley: "Advertisings job purely and simply is to communicate, to a defined audience, information and a frame-of-mind that stimulate action. Advertising succeeds or fails depending on how well it
communicates the desired information and attitudes to the right people at the right time at the right cost" (2001, p. 19). Weilbacher goes on to note that advertising produces
different effects in different people because each individual is unique and each perceives something different from any message they receive (Weilbacher, 2001). Advertising has historically been considered as a hierarchy
of effects with multiple purposes: 1. If the consumer has never heard of the brand, advertising must, first, cause brand awareness (Weilbacher, 2001, p. 19). 2. If the consumer has
heard of the brand but knows nothing of it, advertising must, second, arouse interest (Weilbacher, 2001, p. 19). 3. As the consumers interest is being aroused, advertising must, third,
describe the characteristics-- physical and ephemeral--of the brand so that the consumer will understand and fully appreciate them (Weilbacher, 2001, p. 19). 4. Once the consumer is aware of
and understands the brands characteristics, the advertising must, fourth, convince the consumer that the brand is superior to its competitors and should be purchased (Weilbacher, 2001, p. 19). 5.
The consumer acts--he or she buys the brand, or mentally prepares to do so (Weilbacher, 2001, p. 19). Believe it or not, the hierarchy of effects was first mentioned in
the literature in 1898, so, the premise has been around a very long time (Weilbacher, 2001). Numerous revisions, adaptations and so on have been made over the years but the