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Essay / Research Paper Abstract
This 5 page paper examines how innovation diffusion takes place using the example of the iPod to show the process. The paper considers the role of the technology, marketing, supporting services and the competition in the way it is adopted. The bibliography cites 5 sources.
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can help with the understanding of the way it takes place. The development of new technology is filled with flaws. Innovations have several barriers to overcome before they gain
entrance to the marketplace and into the mainstream market. There is the need to gain consumer confidence from the early adopters, but there is also the need to overthrow the
existing dominant forms of technology that may be being used if this is an form of innovation for an improvement rather than a totally new idea examples such as Apples
new iPod may be seen a prime examples of the way that innovations diffusion takes place. The problems and challenges that face
the diffusion of innovation have been seen on many occasions. For example, the take over of the audio market by CDs from the former vinyl gramophone records and the development
of DVDs taking over form the videos market. Even in the video market there was a fight between two different formats. Betamax was seen as technically superior, but the aggressive
marketing by JVC of its inferior VHS system ensured that it was this which became the dominant product, and took over completely. This also demonstrate the was that technology of
existing products and company may exercise control overt the market as a whole. The production of video recorders was soon nearly 100% VHS, even Sony, the developer of Betamax had
to manufacture VHS recorders to compete in the marketplace, in this case it was the marketing and not the technology which determined what format was adopted as betamax was not
diffused quickly enough (Thompson, 2005). The same may be seen of a range of different technologies. There are many problems that need to be developed in order for a