Sample Essay on:
Influence of Circadian Rhythms on Worker Performance

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Essay / Research Paper Abstract

This is a 16 page paper which explores the effects of disruptied circadian rhythms on worker performance. The paper also discusses possible solutions to the problems. The bibliography has 10 sources.

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16 pages (~225 words per page)

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day and age, people were more self-sufficient and there was less industrialized work. Work had to be completed while the sun supplied the light. And when the sun set and the darkness set in, it was time to rest. Even in the industrial world, a typical work day lasted from sun-up to sun-down. Only with the onset of the technology of today, did the concept of shift work become the norm. Prior to the concept of shift work, men and women had little issues surrounding sleep problems or disorders. They allowed themselves to be in tune with their biological clock which was set to the rising and setting of the sun. In the warmer months, when there was more daylight, more work needed to be done to till the fields and attend to the stock. In the winter there were less chores. This schedule was conveniently correlated to the bodys natural biological clock. With the advancement of technology and the globalization of business more and more professionals, as well as blue collar workers, are spending long hours and working unconventional shift work. It is not uncommon for some professionals to work several days in a row if they are in the middle of a major project. As more and more workers become involve in a twenty-four hour work force, the concern is on the effect of unconventional shift work on the employees circadian rhythms. To promote a safe work environment and to maintain efficiency and productivity, it is necessary to investigate and institute procedures to alleviate the effects of disrupted circadian rhythms. OVERVIEW OF CIRCADIAN RHYTHMS Each day, the body and the brain alternate between states of high activity ...

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