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Essay / Research Paper Abstract

An 8 page research paper that offers a review of literature on how infertile couples with a diagnosis of infertility and the psychological ramifications involved. The writer also refers to the Calgary Family Assessment Model in discussing this topic. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

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8 pages (~225 words per page)

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and prosper in the current economy. However, this trend has repercussions in that one out of every six couples are predicted to encounter problems with fertility and only one-half of these couples will succeed in achieving pregnancy (Schneider and Forthofer, 2005). A couple is considered to be infertile when pregnancy has not been achieved after one full year of sexual relations without using contraceptives (Peterson, Newton and Rosen, 2003). The incidence of infertility is projected to increase in the coming decades (Schneider and Forthofer, 2005). The following examination of this issue will employ the Calgary Family Assessment Model (CFAM) as its theoretical framework for exploring the issues associated with the problem of infertility. The CFAM: The CFAM is a multidimensional structure, which provides nurses with an integrated conceptual framework for analyzing the nature of the families that present in their practice (Wright and Leahey, 2005). This model has been strongly influenced by both postmodernism and current research on cognition, while drawing also on various diverse and theoretical foundations, such as cybernetics and systems theory (Wright and Leahey, 2005). There are three major categories to the CFAM, structural, developmental and functional, with each category also containing several subcategories. The two categories that are of the most relevance to infertility are the structural and functional domains. In terms of infertility, the subcategory of gender, which is part of the structural category, significantly impacts this subject in that individuals may feel that their identity as a man or a woman is threatened by a diagnosis of infertility (Bridges, 2005). The importance of maintaining good verbal communication between spouses as they each adjust to this diagnosis and the stresses involved is an issue that is attributed to the functional category in the CFAM. This investigation of literature will also discuss possible ...

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