Here is the synopsis of our sample research paper on Increasing Value in the Supply Chain of the Gas Industry At the Storage Stage. Have the paper e-mailed to you 24/7/365.
Essay / Research Paper Abstract
Prices in the gas industry are gradually increasing, at the same time the prices are seasonal increasing at tie of peak demand. This 48 page paper looks at how gas companies, who may be unable to pass price volatility onto their customers may be able to manage the supply chain in order to create more value. As there is little processing involved the paper focuses on the storage methods and considers ways that the storage facilities may be better utilized. The bibliography cites 21 sources.
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48 pages (~225 words per page)
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Importance and Potential of Gas 14 3.1.2 The Origins of Gas as a Fuel 17 3.1.3 The Historical Supply Chain 18 3.2 The Gas Supply Chain 23 3.2.1 Locations of Gas 24 3.2.2 The Processing Stage 28 3.2.2 Transporting the Gas 30 3.2.3 Distribution
of Gas 33 3.3 The Role of Storage 34 3.3.1 Storage Choices 35 3.3.2 Depleted Reservoirs 37 3.3.3 Aquifers 39 3.3.4 Salt Caverns 40 3.4 Cost of Storage 41 3.4.1 Costs of Storage 42 3.5 Using the Access Capacity 44 3.4.1 Creating Value Internally 44 4. CONCLUSION 47 REFERENCES 48
Figures Figure 1; Average Spot Price and Futures Contracts Prices for Delivery in Heating Season 2002-03 4 Figure 2; Average Spot Price and Futures Contracts Prices for Delivery
in Heating Season 2003-04 5 Figure 3; Average Spot Price and Futures Contracts Prices for Delivery in Heating Season 2004-05 5 Figure 4; Global Gas Reserves 24 Figure 5; Processing Gas 29 Figure 6;
Storage Facilities in the US 36 Figure 7; Gas Storage Patterns 41 Tables Table 1; Projected Gas Reserves in the US (Discovered and Undiscovered) 25 Table 2; Known Gas Reserves
1992 and 1999 27 Table 3 Gas Storage Capacity 37 Table 4; Storage costs and times 42
1. Introduction The use of gas1 is essential to many industries and companies. It is a fuel that powers and heats and does not have
the same level of disadvantages seen with the use of oil. Once gas was seen more as a waste product to be burnt off, today it s realised as having
a great potential which may help to cushions the fall in oil reserved, even if is follows the same patterns. However, just as wit oil rising prices and the result
of supply and demand are taking a toll. Companies that are selling gas have been faced with increasing gas prices in an industry that has been found to be very