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Essay / Research Paper Abstract
3 pages in length. The writer briefly discusses IPR sentencing that involves retribution, incapacitation, deterrence, rehabilitation and restitution. Bibliography lists 1 source.
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appropriate sentence. If the crime deals with Intellectual Property Rights (IPR), the sentence will be swift and stiff, inasmuch as implementing such rights is the easy part; enforcing them
is another matter entirely and one that has eluded officials for decades worth of attempts to thwart this tremendous infringement upon global commerce. Patents, trademarks, designs and copyright reflect
the four primary aspects of IP concern, however, such other elements as trade secrets, plant varieties, geographical indications and performers rights also reflect the severity of IPR infringement. The
very essence of copyright is to protect "original works of authorship in any tangible medium" (Lans Retsky, 2000). Clearly, theft of IP is not to be taken lightly, inasmuch
as the nature of copyright laws seeks to protect those who rightfully own original works. Incorporating the sentencing goals of retribution, incapacitation, deterrence,
rehabilitation and restitution for this particular crime will illustrate the scope with which the lawbreaker has caused a great deal more trouble for the victim than had he merely charged
a illegal $50 purchase to her credit card. If the individual is a juvenile, he will be sentenced to carry out the duality of his parents being responsible for
paying back every dollar he misappropriated from the victim (restitution), as well as fulfilling a community service commitment of speaking to every junior high and high school in the district
about the crime and dissuade others from doing the same thing (retribution). If he is an adult (over the age of 18), jail time of no less than ten
years will be imposed with possibility for parole (incapacitation) and repay all monies misappropriated (restitution). Upon time served, he will also engage in community service by lecturing to the