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Essay / Research Paper Abstract
This 3 page essay/research paper offers hypothetical reflection of how a nursing student might choose to address the task of describing how a course caused a shift in the student's perspective on evidence based practice and the role of research. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
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choose to write her/his own essay. Evidence-based practice is considered intrinsic to providing patients with the best possible quality care. The role of research is, likewise, intrinsic to evidence-based practice,
as it is through research that these practices are identified and proven to be effective, safe and promote improved patient outcomes. Exposure to this course material has caused me
to shift my perspective on evidence-based nursing practice and the role of research from being factors that should be included in nursing practice to considering them to be factors that
should be viewed as absolutely crucial. The ever-increasing body of empirical information that pertains to clinical practice and best-practice procedures necessitates that practitioners keep abreast of these developments in order
to provide quality care (Taylor, 2012). Implementation of research findings, as evidence-based practice procedures, requires a wide range of skills, which includes being able to accurately and efficiently evaluate
the appropriateness of finding to a particular practice situation (Taylor, 2012). The course material has been highly effective in aiding me in developing these skills and greatly increased my confidence
in being able to implement evidence-based practice behaviors into my clinical environment and undertake original research when the answers to my clinical questions and concerns are unavailable or under-researched.
I anticipate that in the future I will be implementing best practices in order to achieve higher quality care that improves patient outcomes and promotes patient safety. For example, my
current practice environment is inpatient medical-surgical nursing and a concern of this clinical environment is prevention of inpatient falls, which constitute 40 percent of all hospital accidents (Graham, 2012). Roughly
42 percent of falls cause injury, with the serious injury rate at 8 percent (Graham, 2012). Research focused on fall prevention has generated a variety of interventions that are effective