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Essay / Research Paper Abstract
A 3 page research paper that discusses the importance of ethnic and cultural diversity to nursing staff. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
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workforce will greatly facilitate the goal of offering culturally competent care and thus providing a higher level of quality care. The purpose of this paper is to investigate issues pertaining
to diversity and its impact on nursing. Importance of diversity in the workplace: Empirical research that has investigated the effects of culturally competent care indicates that the delivery of
such care increases the levels of patient satisfaction, while also enhancing the quality of care and decreasing the level of health disparities (Lee, et al, 2009). Literature also indicates that
culture is complex in nature, a multi-faceted construct that is best understood by the people who are native to a particular culture. Therefore, having a nurse on staff who has
a particular cultural background that is congruent with that of ethnic patients constitutes a cultural resource for other nurses, as someone to consult with question on a particular culture.
Summary of one aspect of diversity, generational diversity: Establishing and maintaining a viable nursing workforce is dependent on attracting and retaining young
people, but it also depends, at present, on retaining older nurses to remain within their organizations (Blythe, et al, 2008). In order to meet the demands for qualified nurses, within
the context of severe nursing shortage, it is imperative that employment strategies are designed to persuade older nurses to remain working as long as feasibly possible and postpone retirement (Blythe,
et al, 2008). Retaining the older generation of nurses adds stability to nursing staffs, as these older nurses mentor novice nurses and pass on their expertise in day-to-day nursing routine
at a particular institution. Underrepresentation of minorities in nursing: The number of minority nurses in the workforce has tripled since 1980,