Sample Essay on:
Impact of Professional Environment on Nursing Knowledge

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Essay / Research Paper Abstract

A 6 page research paper that discusses the parameters of what is evolved in a hospital achieving Magnet status, with a focus on how this impacts the integration of theory and research data into clinical nursing practice. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

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across the patient experience" (LaSala, et al, 2007, p. 262). Developments in healthcare during the remainder of the twentieth century and into the present have only served to emphasize this need, as positive patient outcomes have increasingly been associated in empirical research with the number of highly skilled, knowledgeable nurses on staff. In order to evaluate the impact of a professional nursing environment on the knowledge of nurses working within such an environment, the following discussion examines the parameters of what is evolved in a hospital achieving Magnet status, with a focus on how this impacts the integration of theory and research data into clinical practice. The concept of developing "Magnet Hospital" certification came about due to the 1980s nursing shortage (Bliss-Holtz, Winter and Scherer, 2004). In 1981, the National Commission on Nursing and the National Academy of Science, the Governing Council of the American Academy of Nursing (AAN) delegated a task force for the purpose of examining the various factors that either impede or facilitate professional hospital nursing practice (Bliss-Holtz, Winter and Scherer, 2004). The AAN subsequently identified exemplary hospitals in which there was a "Magnet-like environment" and additional research identified 14 key factors, labeled the "Forces of Magnetism," which collectively promote and create a professional nursing environment (Bliss-Holtz, Winter and Scherer, 2004). In hospitals that have achieved magnet status, nurses routinely collect, analyze and use data in order to formulate and institute evidence-based practices (Bliss-Holtz, Winter and Scherer, 2004). The nurses are also active in the decision-making bodies of their institutions. In achieving magnet status, researchers state that it should be "clear that decisions that impact nursing are data-drive and made either by nursing or with strong nursing input (Bliss-Holtz, Winter and Scherer, 2004, p. 38). Aiken, et al, conducted a review of the original ...

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