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Essay / Research Paper Abstract
A 6 page research paper that describes specific features of the immune system in response to immunization issues. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
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chance of a disease, such as measles, spreading widely to the community" (AIH, 2008, p. 358). For example, vaccination program that for Indigenous children that was implemented in 1999 in
north Queensland has been related to declines in contagion rates for all children in the area, including non-Indigenous children, which suggests, a "substantial herd immunity effect" (AIH, 2008, p. 72).
It is believed that for the herd immunity effect to materialize roughly 85 to 95 percent of a given population must be immunized against a specific disease (Stern and Markel,
2005). When this level is reached a certain degree of protection is conferred upon the entire populace (Stern and Markel, 2005). How does the pool of susceptible people grow and
what impact does this have on herd immunity: An "anti-vaccine movement" has arisen in many countries (Frenkel and Nielsen, 2003). This movement is facilitated by the growth of the Internet,
which provides a worldwide platform for religious fanatics and those favoring government conspiracy theories to propagate misinformation that causes parents to question the safety of immunizations and/or their necessity. When
these groups begin to have an influence on public behavior, it has grave public health consequences because the incidence of vaccine-preventable diseases increases substantially (Frenkel and Nielsen, 2003). When herd
immunity is high, it lessens the danger that children and others who are not immunized will contract a disease such as measles or rubella or the mumps because practically everyone
else is immunized. It is, in other words, difficult for the disease to get a "toe hold in the population. However, as the "pool of susceptible individuals" grows, it
becomes possible for epidemics to occur (Frenkel and Nielsen, 2003, p. 45). Describe what is meant by immunity, mentioning Memory Self, Non-self: The immune system is an "organization of