Sample Essay on:
Image of God/Image of Christ

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Essay / Research Paper Abstract

A 5 page research paper that discusses what it means to Christians to compare the Old Testament doctrine of being made in the "image of God" to the New Testament doctrine that enjoins Christians to conform to the "image of Christ." Drawing on scripture, the writer argues that these two positions are not contradictory, but rather that one fulfills the other. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

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in our image, in our likeness...So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them." This point is reiterated numerous times throughout Old Testament scripture, emphasizing that humanity bears a great responsibility from this relationship. However, the New Testament is equally emphatic that the Christian should conform to the image of Christ. Henry C. Thiessen (1959) points out that "With the coming of Christ and his rejection of the nation of Israel, God set Israel aside for this age and founded the Church of Jesus Christ" (p. 307). Likewise, Romans 8:29 reads that " For those God foreknew, he also predestined to be conformed to the likeness of his Son, that he might be firstborn among many brothers." At first glance, these positions may seem contradictory, as if the image of Christ overrules the previous paradigm for humanity, which was to consider itself as being in the image of God. This brings up numerous questions. How, then, is the Christian meant to interpret this doctrine? Is the covenant established in the Old Testament that humanity is made in the image of God no longer applicable, as the New Testament insists that humanity should regard itself as reflecting the image of Christ? An examination of scripture reveals that these two ideas are not contradictory. Rather, the idea of Christians reflecting the image of Christ is in perfect accord with the Old Testament. Christs coming constitutes a fulfillment of the Old Testaments image of humanity as being in the image of God, making it possible for a corrupted race to fulfill the promise inherent in this image. However, first of all, in examining these issues, let us consider the meaning of being made in the "image of ...

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