Here is the synopsis of our sample research paper on Identity as an Aspect of Material Culture and Influences of the Dominant Culture and Subcultures with Contemporary North America
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Essay / Research Paper Abstract
This is a 10 page paper discussing the issues of identity and material culture. In the determination of the idea of identity within the American culture it is important to realize that there are many different factors which must be included. This paper addresses the issue of how the dominant culture and subcultures within the American society are defined through fashions, trends, norms, and beliefs and how these subcultures can be influenced by advertising, fashions, definitions of beauty, and different issues in relation to acceptance or reaction against material culture. Urban and American identity is segregated based on subcultures that are defined by various aspects including ethnicity, race, religion, region, age, gender, class and education among many other variants. Individuals within society define their identity by either an acceptance or rejection of the norms within a certain subculture or within the dominant culture. By doing so new subcultures are formed within society as can be seen over the course of history in North America which is evident in the development of changes in the social, civil, political, and fashion trends over time.
Bibliography lists 8 sources.
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important to realize that there are many different factors which must be included. This paper addresses the issue of how the dominant culture and subcultures within the American society are
defined through fashions, trends, norms, and beliefs and how these subcultures can be influenced by advertising, fashions, definitions of beauty, and different issues in relation to acceptance or reaction against
material culture. Urban and American identity is segregated based on subcultures that are defined by various aspects including ethnicity, race, religion, region, age, gender, class and education among many other
variants. Individuals within society define their identity by either an acceptance or rejection of the norms within a certain subculture or within the dominant culture. By doing so new subcultures
are formed within society as can be seen over the course of history in North America which is evident in the development of changes in the social, civil, political, and
fashion trends over time. II. Rationale The topic of identity based on the formation of the dominant culture and subcultures within America is important in the study of anthropological systems
and societies and how identity can be based not only on the acceptance and conforming to certain norms in culture but how it can also be defined by the rejection
of these norms. Although individual identity is also defined along subcultural lines in urban society, researchers must also be aware the influences from the dominant culture and also from the
global community also must be included in identity. III. Methods An extensive electronic literature search was performed in order to obtain material from all facets in relation to identity in
culture and more specifically within North American urban societies. Material used included research studies, opinion columns and findings from a study which recorded personal interviews regarding fashion and identity across