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Essay / Research Paper Abstract
This 15-page paper focuses on the introduction of a product or service to current Ireland. Discussion in this paper includes, the Irish economy (including the growth, nicknamed the "Celtic Tiger," as well as how to set up a business, distribute and market and product or service. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
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15 pages (~225 words per page)
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The country of Ireland is primarily known for its shamrocks, St. Patricks day and its beer - after all, the image of the standard Irishman is one who likes to
imbibe and likes to have fun. The truth is, however, that Ireland is actually a fast-growing country, with a solid market and
a government willing and able to encourage foreign direct investment. The fact it is so close to Europe makes it an ideal outlet to become involved in trade with the
European Union. As a result, many countries are flocking to the Emerald Isle in order to set up shop, do business and take advantage of a growing economy.
In this paper, well explore the benefits of doing business in Ireland, including the actual culture, the environment and the growth of the so-called
"Celtic tiger" - Irelands huge economic growth during the late 1990s. Well also discuss methods in which foreign companies can do business in Ireland, including areas such as promotion and
advertising, distribution, business set-up and other governmental areas. But first, well examine the history of this interesting country. Close to 2000 years
ago, in fourth century B.C., Celtic tribes settled in Ireland (The Internationalist, 2003). During the next 10 centuries, Ireland was primarily a nation of war, either fighting off invaders (the
Norsemen) or struggling with England (The Internationalist, 2003). In short, for much of its life, Ireland was either at war with itself or at war with invaders, meaning it wasnt
a very stable country. However, as the 20th century neared its end, Ireland withdrew from the British Commonwealth (1948); and joined the