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Essay / Research Paper Abstract
A 4 page research paper that discusses the threat of bioterrorism from the viewpoint of the IOM ecological model and how this applies to nursing. One page of this paper is an outline. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
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among determinants are emphasized (and) * Multiple strategies by multiple sectors (IOM, 2004). An ecological model of disaster management considers factors that address "disaster planning, preparedness, response and recovery,"
which occur with the microcosm of the individual and family, as well as at organization, community state and federal levels (Beaton, et al, 2008). The ecological model of management presumes
that all these levels are interactive with each other and that these interactions determine the overall preparedness of the population as a whole in the even of a national emergency
(Beaton, et al, 2008). The following discussion considers how the IOM ecological model framework could be applied to bioterrorism. The topic of bioterrorism is a highly significant global health
priority issue because the havoc that bioterrorist activities could potential wreck with global public health. For example, consider this possible worst-case scenario: a nurse who presented with a case
that appears to be severe flu, as the patient complains of "fever, body aches, nausea and chills, as well as a rash consisting of dense, firm lesions" (Bryant, 2005, p.
34). The rash is interpreted as chickenpox and the patient is sent home with Ibuprofen for fever and an antihistamine, only to die a few days later (Bryant, 2005).
On further examination, the cause of death is determined to be smallpox. As the World Health Organization (WHO) completely eradicated the smallpox virus in the late 1970s, announcing its eradication
in 1980, anyone born after that date has not been inoculated against this deadly killer. There is no reason, other than bioterrorism, for a healthcare practitioner to be alert for
this possible diagnosis. Similarly, a real-life situation occurred just one week after the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001. An assistant to NBC anchor Tom Brokaw handled a letter that