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Essay / Research Paper Abstract
This 7-page paper covers China's environment, from economic growth to population needs, an an effort to bring in a water purification system. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
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century, this huge country slowly gave up its reputation as an inscrutable communist country behind the Bamboo Curtain, becoming a regular world power in terms of economics, population and exports.
In this case, however, the goal is to import a water drinking system into the Chinese market. Unlike setting up strategies for
imports in other markets, however, China represents a definite challenge. Its billion-plus population, not to mention cultural differences, requires a different approach for a successful market entry of this type.
In this paper, well provide background of China, including economics and growth rate, as well as government attitudes and social forces and
attitudes. Then well provide some recommendations as to the best way to import, sell and distribute this water purifying system. At first
blush, China could be considered an ideal market for such a product. Though there is industry in major cities, a good chunk of the population is still rural, and still
could use clean drinking water. But lets examine the economics of such a potential product before assuming it will work well there.
China, in and of itself, contains more than one-fifth of the worlds population, and boasts 23 provinces, five autonomous regions, four municipalities and two "special administrative" regions that are Hong
Kong and Macau (Asian Pacific Development Center on Disability, 2007). The land itself is massive, encompassing 9.6 million square miles, and sharing borders with Korea (to the east), the Peoples
Republic of Mongolia (north), Russia (to the northeast); Kazakhstan, Kirghizstan and Tajikistan to the northwest; Afghanistan, Pakistan, India, Nepal and Bhutan to the west and southwest; and Vietnam, Laos and