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Essay / Research Paper Abstract
This 8 page paper provides an overview of hypovolemia, or hypovolaemia, and the impacts of managment and assessment systems. This paper relates the views in five articles. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
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infusions and their impacts in addressing hypovolaemia. This article provides an overview of these two interventions utilized to address hypovolaemia, and identify some of the central issues, including the
fact that while crystalloid solutions do not cause the same kind of allergic reactions that occur with colloid solutions, there is limited research about their effectiveness. This article was
published in Nursing Times, a journal that presents common issues in nursing, and is informational in content, rather than representing the collaboration on a study of the issue.
Article #2: Hughes, E. (2004). Principles of post-operative patient care. Nursing Standard, 19(5), 43-54. Hughes (2004) article related to post-operative patient care, provides an
overview of standards that can be applied in this setting specifically related to hypovolaemia. This article, published by the Royal College of Nursing Publishing, is affiliated with a British
research organization and is research-based. Hughes (2004) contends that surgical procedures carry with them an inherent level of physiological stress that can result in the onset of hypovolaemic shock.
This article outlines the specific management issues and nursing systems that can be utilized to address hypovolaemic shock and the benefits of early interventions for patient populations.
This article takes a preventative perspective, defining the best-practice methods for care in nursing and relating these through a view of existing studies. This research article by Hughes (2004)
defines the value of close nurse monitoring of patient fluid levels as a part of post-surgical assessments and the use of measures to improve fluid processing in order to effectively
address the issue of shock from a health management perspective. Article #3: Boluyt, N. et al (2006). Fluid resuscitation in neonatal and pediatric