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Essay / Research Paper Abstract
A 10 page research paper that summarizes and contrasts and compares literature that discusses the efficacy and implementation of therapeutic hypothermia. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
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36 hours and this factor is associated with increased risk for a negative long-term outcome (Den Hertog, et al, 2009). Empirical research offers strong support for the use of mild
therapeutic hypothermia as an effective treatment patients who just experienced cardiac arrest (McDonough, 2009). Research indicates that unconscious adults, for whom spontaneous circulation has been reestablished, should be cooled to
between 32 and 34 degrees C for a minimum of 12 to 24 hours (McDonough, 2009). As this implies, therapeutic hypothermia has been shown to be an effective treatment
modality for a variety of conditions. The following paper offers an overview of scholarly studies and reviews pertaining to therapeutic hypothermia in order to better understand the utility and applicability
of this treatment option. Nursing theory Jean Watsons Nursing Theory of Human Caring is one of the most widely utilized and respected theories influencing contemporary nursing practice. The
principle of caring is at the heart of Watsons perspective. One of her ten basic principles is the "systematic use of the scientific problem-solving method for decision making" (Chantal, 2006).
This theoretical principle implies that nurses should remain knowledgeable concerning the latest scientific evidence and incorporate evidence-based research into nursing practice. Search criteria The student researching this topic should
report on her search process, as several of the articles she provided are included in this review. This writer/tutor accessed the EBSCO databases, specifically: Academic Search Complete; Academic Search Premier;
Center for Disease Control (CDC); CINAHL; CINAHL with Full Text; Health Source: Nursing/Academic Edition; MasterFILE Premier; MEDLINE; and MedlinePlus. In addition to the EBSCO databases, the writer/tutor also accessed the
eLibrary database. In all searches, the keywords "therapeutic hypothermia" and "nursing" were used. Literature review Studies pertaining to the effectiveness of hypothermia: Mild hypothermia, that is, core body temperature