Here is the synopsis of our sample research paper on Huxley's Brave New World as an Attack on the Enlightenment. Have the paper e-mailed to you 24/7/365.
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This 3 page paper takes a look at the Enlightenment period and how Aldous Huxley's Brave New World opposes it. Both ideas are considered in terms of how they manifest in today's society. No additional sources cited.
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time, many authors argue that its spread is not without cost. While in some sense, the Enlightenment itself attacked religion, it seems that later theorists attacked the Enlightenment
in quiet a different way. For example, Aldous Huxley (1999) in his work Brave New World, did create a compelling attack on Enlightenment thought, primarily because his world did
not embrace individuality. Brave New World is a work of science fiction that shows what the future might be like. Huxleys (1999) world seems to cling to the notion that
less is more and that simplicity is better than the advancing technology the world seems to love. Some of the things Huxley wrote about are frighteningly accurate; people take Prozac
instead of Soma but the idea is the same. The 1960s saw a sexual revolution replete with orgies and a similar idea of free love versus commitment and romantic love.
Yet, that experiment failed dismally and the result is a Generation X and Generation Y that is confused and disjointed. While Huxleys ideas are not entirely new, as played out
in his brave new world, they also fail to a great extent. What also comes through in this work is a frightening lack of individuality. This is also exemplified
in society today. Was he correct? Is the world turning the people into zombies by spoon feeding children in school and church while discouraging creativity, by sanctioning prescriptions for Valium,
Ritalin and Prozac and by allowing their brains to turn to mush in favor of video game sales in order to feed capitalisms hunger? Some believe that the world is
not much different from Huxleys (1999) vision. The primary difference is, of course, that the world in Huxleys view is contrived whereas the world today is created by individuals. Individuals