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Essay / Research Paper Abstract
A 9 page research paper that examines Zora Neale Hurston's highly psychological novel Their Eyes Were Watching God. The writer discusses the elements of myth that Hurston incorporated into the journey of self discovery taken by Janie Crawford and also compares this narrative to her short story "Sweat." The writer discusses Hurston's use of archetypes in these journeys of self discovery. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
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encountered in criticism, is that story of Janie Crawford, Hurstons protagonist, is seen as a metaphorical journey that takes Janie from being girlhood to the full flower of resplendent womanhood.
For example, Deborah McDowell sees Janies story as a "journey from captivity to liberation" (174). Ryan Simmons argues that recent critics read the novel as a "celebration" of Janies
ability to "free herself from confinement, which is represented by her first two husbands, and move toward "a new form of cultural power" after the death of her beloved third
husband, Tea Cake (181). Although Simmons does not directly refer to a journey, here again, the action of the novel is seen as movement. As this illustrates, the general
consensus is that Hurston portrays the narrative as a psychological journey. When one considers that Hurston was well versed in mythology and folklore, Janies journey takes on added significance. By
applying the archetypes common in myth, it becomes clear that Hurstons narrative delineates the female equivalent of the "Heros Journey," which was detailed by noted expert on mythology Joseph Campbell,
and further discussed by Carol S. Pearson. Examining Their Eyes Were Watching God, and other works such as her moving short story, "Sweat," from the perspective of myth illuminates
Hurstons perspective of womanhood as a journey toward self discovery and ultimate independence. The student researching this topic will note that this writer/tutor has not incorporated the thesis statement,
as given in the assignment, into this opening paragraph. The student should reincorporate this original statement into the his or her own paper when composing that paper from this research,
which is meant only to be a template of how this assignment might be completed. The prevalence of myth in Their Eyes Were Watching God Zora Neale Hurstons