Sample Essay on:
How Media Representation of Terrorist Attacks can Produce Otherness and Feelings of Suffering in an Audience

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Essay / Research Paper Abstract

This 17 page paper looks at two video reports and assesses the way that they are reporting on terrorism is able to create otherness and the ability to the audience to feel suffering as a result of the way that they report of two terrorism events; 9/11 and the 2009 attack on Mumbai. The bibliography cites 14 sources.

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17 pages (~225 words per page)

File: TS14_TEterrornews1.rtf

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revision request makes "otherness" more of a main theme for the assignment compared to the orginal request. In the orginal request it only part of the assignment comparison. Therefore I addressed the revision based on the actual assignment and the office will refund your money for the paid revision, since it will not need 4 pages. If you are re-stating the assignment based on your revision with the main fiocus shifting to otherness, this changes the direction of the assignment as I have interrupted it, and then we will need to charge for the 4 page revision. It may be argued that the media have a duty to report news events, including incidents of terrorism, but the way that terrorism is reported is unlikely to ever be seen as objective, and when undertaken in an emotive manner it is possible for the reporting to create a feeling of otherness and cause feelings of suffering in the audience. When looking at two examples from You Tube, one is looking at the events of 9/11 undertaken as an amateur project1 and one recording of a news channel looks at the Mumbai terrorist attack of 20092 the way terrorism is reported and potentially interpreted may be assessed in temrs of this apprach, not only looking at the style and whether or not it is effective, but to determine if it has the potential to expand awareness and mentality by seeing more perspectives and increasing a potential world view perspective by allowing or facilitating the viewer to feel the suffering. On the surface these may be seen as visual articles that convey a sense of an event, with the 9/11 a more reflective piece, pulling together clips from a number of sources, whereas ...

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