Here is the synopsis of our sample research paper on How Has Services Marketing Shaped The Concept Of Marketing For Organizations. Have the paper e-mailed to you 24/7/365.
Essay / Research Paper Abstract
This 11 page paper looks at the way in which the marketing of services has impacted on marketing as a whole and how organization use the lessons and models created and enhanced by marketing of services or intangible goods for the marketing of other goods. The bibliography cites 10 sources.
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11 pages (~225 words per page)
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the oldest documented advertisement was a template on the bottom of a prostitutes sandal in Ancient Greece which left a message in the sand. However, in modern days we may
argue that the initial marketing models which were developed focused on the marketing of tangible goods, making them desirable and endowing them with a range of characteristics and associated attributes.
However, it may be argued that the increase in the availability of services and their marketing has also had an impact on marketing in general, increasing the awareness of the
way associations and characteristics of intangible value are linked to products as well as services, as showing the value of good service to accompany goods. These elements may have developed
without influence from the marketing of services, but it is likely to have taken longer. The lessons from one area of marketing have become transferable strategies as the concept of
marketing has changed in the way it is seen by organizations. Kotler (2003;445, 2000;329) argues that there are five categories of goods and services mix. The first is the
category of pure tangible goods, these are companies offering goods such as soap powder. The second category is tangible goods with a low level of accompanying services, these may be
goods where there is a reliance of sales, such as car sales, the goods are the core product, but need the services to support the sales of the goods. The
third category is the hybrid, where the company is equal goods and services. The forth category is where the company is mainly services, but there are some supporting tangible goods.
An example of this is airlines, the main offering is the service, but there is the need for the aircraft and there are tangible goods used, such as food and