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Hospital Facility Questions

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A 3 page research paper that, first of all, describes the equipment required for caring for bariatric patients safely and, secondly, discusses the lighting requirements required by a hospital inpatient room, a nursing home and a neonatal ICU. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

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listed below. Citation styles constantly change, and these examples may not contain the most recent updates. Hospital Facility Questions Research Compiled for , Enterprises Inc. By - May, 2011 Design and equipment modifications required in updating an inpatient for use by bariatric patients and how this equipment should differ for this population: Bariatric patients are typically defined as those who are extremely obese, those patients whose weight is between 100 and 200 pounds over what would be considered a normal body weight for their height (Muir and Archer-Reese, 2009). Patient handling equipment is typically able to accommodate between 250 and 350 pounds, therefore, a bariatric unit requires special equipment. First of all, as sleep apnea is a common condition among bariatric patients, initial evaluation should include an assessment for this condition and, therefore, the units equipment should include assisted breathing devices designed to address this condition (Muir and Archer-Reese, 2009). Due to the immense weight of bariatric patients, care of these patients, as well as assisting them with the tasks of daily living, can be injurious to nursing staff. For example, lifting a limb is frequently required in order to change a dressing, but as one leg is roughly 16 percent of the persons total body weight, in the case of bariatric patients, this can exceed the recommended limit that can be done safely, as the leg of a 350-pound patient would weigh around 62 pounds and the safe lifting load limit is around 35 pounds (Muir and Archer-Reese, 2009). Therefore, the units equipment should include a mechanized "lifting device and limb sling" (Muir and Archer-Reese, 2009), p. 2). It is also recommended that bariatric patients beds have the ability to be lowered, as ...

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