Sample Essay on:
Hospital Administration and Retention

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Essay / Research Paper Abstract

This 8 page paper provides an overview a case study of a hospital with issues regarding organizational culture and organizational change. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

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8 pages (~225 words per page)

File: MH11_MHNurSheet2.rtf

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Recommendations.........................................................6 References...........................................................................9 Executive Summary The current problems in the night shift at St. Amos Hospital have resulted from the development of an organizational culture based on mistrust. When administrator Paul Shay determined that bed linen costs had increased substantially in recent months, he called for changes in the night shifts processing of laundry, which caused considerable work stresses for the employees. The end result was the development of a culture of mistrust, increased workplace dissatisfaction and increased turnover. The night shift went from being a community of close-knit professionals to one that could no longer maintain a long-term staff or management. Mr. Shay needed to take into consideration the basic elements of human resource management theory, which consider the link between job dissatisfaction and high turnover rates in nursing. Mr. Shays methods for implementing top-down changes limited the value of his efforts to assess why discrepancies in linen counts existed. Instead, Mr. Shay called for a clamp down on laundry methods to protect the resources (bed linens). In the end, though, more costly issues extended from his management perspective, which resulted in high turnover rates for the night shift. In addressing these issues, then, Mr. Shay needed to look at improving management systems and supporting a positive organizational culture based on employee commitment. Body Introduction When hospital administrator Paul Shay related the findings of a controllers report that linen replacement costs, specifically of bed sheets, had doubled in past months, his memo indicated the need to assess the situation. Shays memo noted that supervisors should place checks on personnel in order to determine whether theft was the causative factor in the noted shortages of bed sheets and the subsequent additional costs. ...

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