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Essay / Research Paper Abstract
This 6 page paper looks at the company; Hong Kong Aircraft Engineering Company Ltd (HAECO) examining its' performance between the period 1997 – 2007, discussing the performance in the context of the overall aircraft maintenance industry and discusses the company strategy and the way it has changed. The bibliography cites 7 sources.
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with their main operations based in Hong Kongs International airport located at Chek Lap Kok and other operations direct through subsidiaries in other locations, including various airports in China and
the United Arab Emirates. Over the last ten years (1997 - 2007) the company has seen a general positive trend, but there have been some difficult times, from which
it has recovered. Looking at the performance of the company there is a decline as the company reached the end of the 1990s, in 1997 the revenues were HK$2,375.11, this
was a decline from the previous year where revenues were $2,461.5. There is a downwards trend for several years, with the revenues falling to $2,028.2 in 1999 and then $1,959.2
in 1999. The decline carried on into 200 when revenues declined even further to $1,874. There was a recovery of revenues in 2001 where the increase which has continued
though to 2007 started to take place. In 2001 revenues rose to $1,983 and by 2007 the revenues were $4,619. The profits have followed a similar pattern with a
decline and then a recovery. There was a large drop in the net operating profit to shareholders when there was not any net operations profit compared to the year before
where net operating profit was $117, this has now increased to $1,000. The fall in the profit is disproportionate to the fall in revenues and reflects the measures which
were being taken at the time which included costs of a major recognition and restructuring within the company to increase their competitiveness. The profit level has been more volatile,
increasing and decreasing which reflect the competitive environment and reflect the investments and costs incurred in order to remain competitive. Other