Sample Essay on:
Homeless Veterans with PTSD

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Essay / Research Paper Abstract

A 15 page research paper that discusses this topic. This examination of literature specifically examines the target population homeless veterans with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), what this entails, and the role of the nurse educator in addressing the needs of this population. Bibliography lists 12 sources.

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estimated 66,000 of these veterans were "chronically without shelter" (Homelessness, 2007). While Americas veterans represent only 11 percent of the US population, they represent one of every four of the nations homeless (Homelessness, 2007). Steven Berg, vice-president for policy and programs with the NAEH, indicates that combat veterans are particularly at risk for homelessness due to high incidence of mental disabilities, such as PTSD, that are related to their combat experience (Homelessness, 2007). The following examination of literature specifically examines the target population homeless veterans with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), what this entails, and the role of the nurse educator in addressing the needs of this population. Target population A commonly accepted definition for homelessness is when an individual is either "unsheltered, or living in an emergency shelter, transitional housing unit, or doubled-up with friends or family" for the majority of the last three previous months (OToole, et al, 2007, p. 447). While the majority of veterans suffering from PTSD who are homeless are male, it is erroneous to assume that this is a homogenous population in regards to gender as some of these veterans are women. In a study conducted by Benda (2005), the sample population consisted of 315 men and 310 women who were homeless on admittance to a Veterans Administration (VA) inpatient program for the treatment of substance abuse. Research has definitively established a correlation between PTSD and unemployed status in Vietnam-era veterans, as those individual with combat-related PTSD are statistically less likely to be employed than veterans without PTSD (Resnick and Rosenbeck, 2008). Furthermore, a PTSD diagnosis has been associated in studies with a lower hourly wage than is typical in the general workforce (Resnick and Rosenbeck, 2008). While the general population in the industrialized countries exhibit life expectancy rates into the eighth ...

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