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This 8 page paper traces the various types of lighting used in theatrical productions and argues that electric light changed the entire concept of theatrical presentation. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
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stage lighting, and in particular the changes that occurred when electricity was introduced. Discussion Modern stage lighting as we understand the term can be dated from the 16th century and
the change in mans thinking with regard to the nature of light. Before then, light was called "lux" and equated with universal radiance-a light that "served to represent a higher
reality"; it was considered the "soul of space" (Keller and Weiss, 2001, p. 16). This was contrasted with "lumen," a material medium that "makes it possible for us to
perceive the essence of light" (Keller and Weiss, 2001, p. 16). Once the natural world was better understood, these supernatural explanations were abandoned in favor of a more scientific
view of the world. Theatrical forms were "rediscovered" in Renaissance Italy, and lighting designers there began to understand the need for a lighting plan that followed the script (Keller and
Weiss, 2001). They began to consider how to make things appear three dimensional, and how to light the acting area as evenly as possible (Keller and Weiss, 2001). It was
also in Italy that the idea of having the stage brighter than the auditorium began, a principle that was the beginning of Baroque theater (Keller and Weiss, 2001). But the
necessity of lighting the stage meant the use of oil lamps and dozens of candles, but the smoke was irritating and the open flames were dangerous (Keller and Weiss, 2001).
At this time, it was also realized that it was easier to see the stage if the auditorium was dark, the beginning of the basic lighting design we now take
for granted. In England, the convention of artificial lighting was slow to catch on, and plays in Shakespeares time were performed outdoors (Keller and Weiss, 2001). However, architect Inigo Jones