Here is the synopsis of our sample research paper on History of Higher Education & Liberty University. Have the paper e-mailed to you 24/7/365.
Essay / Research Paper Abstract
A 7 page research paper that addresses multiple subjects. The first 2 and half pages of this paper briefly address the history of universities, defining their traditions, applies this to the example of Liberty University and then briefly describes a non-profit organization that address experiential adult learning. The remainder of the paper discusses experiential learning in greater detail and suggests a form of experiential learning and assessment that is applicable to the student researching this topic. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
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such as Plato and Aristotle, people have felt the need to acquire knowledge that exceeds the basic requirements of everyday living (Pedersen, 1998). However, despite the various forms and permutations
that higher education has undergone, a basic underlying factor has consistently been that students have sought out additional education based on a common belief in the value of the education
offered, whether it is faith in the expertise of the knowledge offered in a degree program or the general philosophy of the institution involved. The structure of universities is
a factor that emerged early-on in the development of institutions of higher education (Pedersen, 1998). A "university" is generally defined as an institute of higher learning that is made of
up several schools or "colleges," which grant a range of both undergraduate and post-graduate degrees (Aronwitz, 2000). Several of the nations oldest universities, such as Boston College or the College
of William and Mary, have kept the term "college" in their institutions name for historical reasons, but, nevertheless, are actually universities, due to the scope of the degrees offered within
various disciplines (Aronwitz, 2000). It is also true that some smaller institutions of higher learning may refer to themselves as "universities" but if they only offer a limited number of
undergraduate degrees, this designation is primarily for marketing purposes and does not fit the definition of a true university. Liberty University follows this tradition Liberty University follows the structure
of a traditional university in that this institution offers a variety of both undergraduate and post-graduate degrees, as it offers "more than 60 areas of study--from business to music,
communication to pre-med, as well as nursing, aviation, biblical studies" and more (Liberty University, 2007). Furthermore, Liberty University upholds historical tradition by founding its philosophy on a Christian worldview, which