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This 3 page paper examines the use of Spanish in America. The concept of cultural diffusion is defined and explored. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
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influx of Hispanics into the populous and the use of Spanish in many communities. It is true that many immigrant groups bring language to America and they use their native
tongue in their neighborhoods and with family and friends, but Spanish has become more and more popular. It is so popular that sometimes George W. Bush gives speeches in the
language and this is a tactic other politicians use. Spanish in fact has become an issue in the United States. The front man of Indie rock group Bright Eyes, Connor
Oberst, began a band called Desaparecidos and its album is entitled Read Music/Speak Spanish. Oberst is not Hispanic but the band is trying to make a political statement. Indeed, the
use of Spanish in America is political. The use of Spanish in the U.S. is an example of Hispanic cultural diffusion. Cultural diffusion is "the spreading of a cultural trait
(e.g., material object, idea, or behavior pattern) from one society to another" ("Cultural Diffusion," 2006). In truth, language is only a part of this phenomenon, but certainly, within the Hispanic
community, assimilation is seen and so traits are only held onto to an extent. That said, language is something that has become a dominant theme in the culture and in
America today. In fact, government agencies publish bilingual literature and it is hard to pick up an item in the store that does not have Spanish writing on it. It
seems that to a large extent, the Hispanic population assimilates and this has led to stress, increased alcohol use and deviant behavior ("Latinos values and family transitions," 2003). Rather than
hold onto some of the traits associated with Hispanic culture, they have adopted American ways. It is pointed out that the majority of Hispanics do hold on to the Spanish