Here is the synopsis of our sample research paper on Heart of a Dog by Mikhail Bulgakov. Have the paper e-mailed to you 24/7/365.
Essay / Research Paper Abstract
5 pages. With a brief biography about Mikhail Bulgakov this paper then emphasizes his book Heart of a Dog. The theme of the book as well as the major characters and their importance within the work are discussed and analyzed. The structure of the work and Bulgakov's narrative strategies are considered in this paper. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
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major characters and their importance within the work are discussed and analyzed. The structure of the work and Bulgakovs narrative strategies are considered in this paper. MIKHAIL BULGAKOV
Born in 1891, Mikhail Bulgakov was a hugely successful author and playwright. His book Heart of a Dog was written in 1925, but in 1926 the manuscript was taken
over by security police. Bulgakov requested permission to travel several times but each time he was rejected. At one point in 1930 Stalin telephoned him after another rejection
was issued for his request to travel. It was not until after the authors death in 1940 that most of his major works were made available all over the
world. In one case his book The Master and Margarita was censored and the entire work was not published until more than thirty years after Bulgakovs death (Bulgakovs Life
PG). THE AUTHORS WORK Bulgakovs work is indicative of the prolific writers inherent ability to pursue even the simplest of concepts. Not unlike his myriad other works, which
include the famous Master and Margarita and Morphine, Bulgakov appeals to the innermost recesses of the readers soul if only to enlighten and entertain with his biting sarcasm. The
author has a long history of reaching out and inviting his audience to experience with him the sometimes intense and often expansive sense of being. This is clearly portrayed
within his works and The Heart of a Dog, one of the most biting of satires on the Russian Revolution, is no exception. Not only was the story The Heart
of a Dog unlike most of his more popular works, but it was also considerably shorter at only 128 pages. This is as if to indicate that it did