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Essay / Research Paper Abstract

This 6-page paper focuses on the concept that today's human resources practices add value to a company. The paper uses examples of how a well-developed workforce is a positive benefit to the bottom line. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

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earn in a given period of time. As time has gone on, however, senior management, as well as industrial psychologists and theorists, have learned something interesting: namely that one factor that drives financial resources and quality control is people. As a result, more companies are beginning to make the link between a finely tuned workforce and added value to a company. Using this connection between corporate value and modern human resources practices has especially been important in this day of international markets and competition on a global scale. Getting the product to market is an important consideration to a companys success - yet more and more company managers and CEOs are finding out that getting the product to market involves their workforce. If the workforce doesnt operate effectively, the product doesnt get to the recipients, and the recipients dont buy. In this paper, well examine some companies that are using modern "people management" practices in order to bring out the best in their workforce - and therefore, which are adding to their bottom lines. But first, its interesting to note the trend that companies are realizing the importance of labor in their efforts. During the past several years, sociologists and institutional economists have studied non-economic factors of regional competitiveness and success (Sander, 2001). According to results of such studies, factors that offer the "most decisive influence" of regional competitive advantage include availability of highly skilled labor and the price/performance of this labor (Sander, 2001). As such, regional, national and multinational companies are beginning to examine their workforces more carefully in order to ascertain better management of what has been termed "human capital," realizing that managing human ...

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