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Essay / Research Paper Abstract
This 6 page paper discusses the start of the epidemic, the social, legal and biological implications of the disease, and current treatment options. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
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grow, and a cure remains elusive. This paper discusses the start of the epidemic, the social, legal and biological implications of the disease, and current treatment options.
The Start of the Epidemic Its difficult to pinpoint the start of the AIDS epidemic, since scientists believe it has been present for some time. However, the first
"official" information about the disease was made public by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) in 1981, when they reported the first cases of a rare pneumonia among young gay
men; they also reported the incidence of Kaposis sarcoma, a rare skin cancer, in this population group (The Global HIV/AIDS Epidemic, 2004). The first story about AIDS was published
this year by The New York Times (The Global HIV/AIDS Epidemic, 2004). None of the sources I found could actually pinpoint one time, place or person as the "start"
of the epidemic; therefore, well have to use 1981 and the CDC report to mark the beginning. Social, Legal and Biological Implications The social implications of AIDS
are well known now, and seem to stem mainly from fear of the disease, which people may still believe is transmitted easily. AIDS is spread through the exchange of
bodily fluids such as semen and blood, usually through sexual contact or the use of dirty needles for injecting drugs, and is not spread through casual contact. HIV positive
people and those with AIDS do not pose a health threat to co-workers, friends or family, yet the myths persist and often cause great hardship, as the patients find themselves
shunned by those they love most. Also, because the disease was first isolated in young gay men, it has acquired a stigma, and for many years was thought