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Essay / Research Paper Abstract
This 5-page paper is a strategic audit of Hewlett-Packard. Topics discussed includes products and services, number of employees, operational locations and stakeholders. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
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for individuals, achievement and contribution, results through teamwork, agility, innovation and integrity) and corporate objectives (customer loyalty, profit, growth, market leadership employee commitment, leadership capability and being a good global
citizen) (HP Corporate Objectives and Shared Values, 2009). What this boils down to is, on the one hand, the fact that
Hewlett-Packard is dedicated to innovation and new products (developed through a unifying belief of teamwork) combined with the idea that it looks out for its stakeholders. Well examine the companys
stakeholders further on down in this document, but this vision seems to be all-encompassing. If one takes a look at the
company, that is all-encompassing as well, given the sheer size of the corporation. Trying to make the vision fit in with its more than quarter of a million employees can
be an interesting task - but H-P has a good brand name to back it all up. Products/Brands Hewlett-Packard provides hardware, software
and services to a wide array of information services users (Hewlett-Packard, 2009). Products include personal computers, servers, storage devices, networking equipment and printers (Hewlett-Packard, 2009). The company also has a
service unit - and that offers business process outsourcing, development of applications, systems integration, networking and so on (Hewlett-Packard, 2009). The
company also has a software products division - which focuses on enterprise IT management, business intelligence and carrier-grade communications applications (Hewlett-Packard, 2009). The companys market is businesses, consumers, government agencies
and schools in more than 170 countries (Hewlett-Packard, 2009). Mark Hurd took over as the companys CEO in 2005, and since