Here is the synopsis of our sample research paper on HACKERS AS SECURITY GUARDIANS. Have the paper e-mailed to you 24/7/365.
Essay / Research Paper Abstract
This 5-page paper provides the pros and cons of using hackers as security guardians in an information technology system. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
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first began in the 1990s. One side argues that these folks are criminals, and hiring known criminals for security purposes is dangerous. Why would someone hire a fox to guard
a henhouse? The answer is, you wouldnt. The other side points out, however, that when trying to protect systems against hackers or system intruders, who better to hire than those
who have had experience? The hackers, after all, were able to exploit system vulnerabilities to sneak inside. There are some examples of
bad hackers gone good. For example, Kevin Mitnick, hacker extraordinaire, is now lecturing about security network protection (Schwartz, 2008). Robert Tappan Morris, who is a tenured professor at MIT is
best-known for unleashing the first Internet work in the 1980s (Schwartz, 2008). Kevin Poulsen was arrested for breaking into federal computer systems, served five years in prison, the was hired
as a security researcher with SecurityFocus (Schwartz, 2008). These days, hes a news editor for Wired (Schwartz, 2008). What makes the
issue even more interesting is that not all hackers are cut from the same cloth. There are the black hat hatters, who break into computer systems because they can -
and once inside, decide to be destructive (Germain, 2004). Then there are the white hat hackers - those who deliberately break into systems to test security measures, and point out
ineffective ones (Germain, 2004). The struggle that some IT managers have is hiring the white hat hackers (or reformed black hatters, also known as gray hat hackers), to test a
system (Germain, 2004). Posey (2006) likes the fact that system intruders have real world hacking experience. They may not be "book