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Essay / Research Paper Abstract
AThis 32 page paper is based on a book Quick Response Manufacturing a Companywide Approach to Reducing Lead Times, and presents a paper that explains the different stages required in the implementation of quick response manufacturing, examining the background of the strategy and how as value and then looking at the changes which would be needed in the organization in terms of structure in both the manufacturing facilities and the office, as well as changes in the management decision-making processes. The bibliography cites 9 sources.
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with Kaizen 10 3.2 Implementing the Cellular Methodology 12 3.2.1 The Planning and Change Process 12 3.2.2 Overcoming Resistance 16 3.3 Creative Rethinking 18 3.4 Capacity and Lot Sizing Decisions 19 3.5 Material and Production Planning and Control 22 3.6 Customer and Supplier Relations 25
4. Office Operations 27 4.1 QRM for the Office 27 4.2 Support Tools 29 4.3 System Dynamics 32 5. Creating the QRM Enterprise 33 References 36 1. Introduction
In business the ability to increase efficiency will often help to increase the bottom line, supporting profits. This is one of the main motivations that the models
such as lean manufacturing and efficiency models such as just-in-time inventory management have become so popular. The search for increased efficiency and cost savings has been emphasized in recent years
as result of the global recession and the credit crunch, the difference between cutting costs and increasing efficiency and operating in the previous manner may be the difference between survival
and failure. An approach which has been adopted by a number of companies, and appears to be gaining popularity is that of Quick
Response Manufacturing (QRM) (Suri, 1998). This is an interesting model, as unlike many of the traditional models that are utilized to increase efficiency this is one which is particularly suited
to environments where manufacturing takes place at low volume levels and where there may even be one off manufacturing projects making it a model that has a specific and particular
application not met by others (Suri, 1998). This is particularly suited to what environment where there is an ongoing need for product renewal and new developments in line with market
changes (Kotler and Keller, 2008). However, before any company can consider implementing quick response manufacturing it is necessary that a basic understanding of its nature is fully comprehended, along with