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Grundy, Virginia/Helping an Elderly Patient

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A 3 page research paper that discusses how a nurse can aid an elderly patient by informing him of the specific Medicaid programs to which he is entitled. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

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and whirlpool wound care every other day (except weekends) for the coming month, in addition to medication. J.P. is concerned how he will get to the clinic for his scheduled appointments, as he does not drive and his daughter, who typically provides his transportation, works. Furthermore, J.P. also expresses concern about how he will pay for these treatments, as well as general concern about how he will negotiate the activities of daily living. J.P. needs specific advice and aid that applies for the community resources available in Grundy, Virginia. is an online service that describes home care agencies throughout Virginia. This website indicates that Healing Hands Home Health, Inc., locat3ed at 1018 J.A. Yates Road in Grundy (zip code 24614, telephone #276-935-6400) offers home nursing services and assistance with the tasks of daily living ("Healing Hands Home Health, Inc."). As this agency is Medicare Certified (4/1/2004, provider number 497590) and J.P. is over 65 years of age, a Medicare claim can be filed. Similarly, also lists a home health care agency associated with Buchanan General Hospital, located at Route 5, Box 20, Grundy, VA, 26414 (Phone #276-531-8800; Medicare Certified 7/18/1985; Provider Number: 497020) ("Buchanan General Hospital Home HLT"). The web pages for the two health care home agencies also offer data on each service that is provided by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) and according to this formation, Buchanan General Hospital Home HLT appears to be the better choice. However, either one of these agencies can be utilized to provide assistance with home care, including changing the dressing on J.P.s wound, as well as assistance with the tasks of daily living. J.P. also faces the problem of paying for his prescription. Medicare now offers assistance to seniors in the ...

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