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Essay / Research Paper Abstract
A 30 page overview of the problems confronting us in regard to effectively addressing the growing problem of juvenile delinquency. While many interventions have been attempted in addressing this problem, no one solution has been identified. Group homes do offer a potential solution. The past record of group homes, however, is not that complimentary as to their effectiveness. Part of this record lies in the fact that insufficient records have been maintained which can be used as a source for intensive research targeting the delineation of successes verses failures. By reviewing the literature on the various interventions which have proven successful, however, we can potentially redesign the group home environment so that it is more successful in addressing the problem of juvenile delinquency. Bibliography lists 41 sources.
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30 pages (~225 words per page)
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is currently in dire need of an effective means of addressing the ever growing juvenile delinquency problem. Indeed, juvenile delinquency is increasing at a phenomenal rate in this country.
It has been projected that over the next fifteen years the nations juvenile population will jump to seventy-four million and the number of juveniles arrested for violent crimes such
as murder, rape, robbery and aggravated assault can be expected to double (Briscoe, 1997). In addition to acts of violence, our children are more and more often becoming entangled
in everything from drugs to prostitution, to burglary and theft. Even more children are involved in lesser offenses which place them on the wrong side of the law.
Numerous approaches have been made toward rectifying the juvenile delinquency situation we are currently experiencing. Some include imprisonment under conditions which differ very
little from adult punishment. Other types of juvenile programs include therapeutic techniques such as boot camps, vocational training, victim/offender reconciliation tactics and numerous other approaches at reducing juvenile crime
and effecting the eventual entry of the youth into adulthood as a productive, non-violent individual. Some would suggest that sentencing juveniles who find themselves on the wrong side of
the law as adults is the most effective means for accomplishing that goal. Those who oppose the sentencing of youthful offenders as adults, however, are quick to point out
that: "A growing body of statistical and ethnographic research suggests that many of todays persistent
young offenders cannot be deterred from committing crimes simply by toughening the criminal penalties".