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Essay / Research Paper Abstract
An 8 page paper that explains and discusses grounded theory methods in research data analysis. The essay discusses the key concepts and steps in this process, including the different coding methods, sampling and when the research ends. The three levels of coding, open, axial, and selective are explained with an example. The essay concludes with the writer's opinion about this approach and an example of how it could be used. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
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use to legitimize their work, one of which is called grounded theory, a method of data analysis (Bartlett and Payne, 1997). Unlike other research methods, grounded theory does not begin
with a hypothesis to test, instead, it intends to find out what theory explains the research phenomenon (Dick, 2005). Its purpose "is to discover the theory implicit in the data"
(Dick, 2005). Grounded theorists believe in retaining the principles of what is considered to be good science, such as precision, significance, compatibility, generalizability, but they also believe those principles and
canons must be redefined so as to be applicable to the complexity of social phenomena (Bartlett and Payne, 1997). Some grounded theorists rely on induction reasoning as opposed to the
deductive reasoning of quantitative theorists (Bartlett and Payne, 1997). Theoretically, grounded theory has its foundations in symbolic interactionism (Bartlett and Payne, 1997). Grounded theory began as one paradigm discussed
by Glaser and Strauss in 1967 (Wikipedia, 2006). Glaser and Strauss went on to develop their own separate approaches to grounded theory (Wikipedia, May, 2006). Although a qualitative method, the
process goes further and combines a specific style of research with pragmatic theory of action (Wikipedia, 2006). The common concepts of both paradigms (Glaser and Strauss) include categories, codes
and codings (Dick, 2005; Wikipedia, May, 2006). It actually includes both inductive and deductive reasoning, which led to the term abductive reasoning offered by Pierce (Wikipedia, May, 2006). This type
of reasoning is found in the research approach that involves "data sampling, data analysis and theory development [that] are not seen as distinct but as different steps that are repeated"
(Wikipedia, May, 2006) until the investigator reaches the point of being able to explain the subject being researched (Wikipedia, May, 2006). The process of grounded theory, then, is one that