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Essay / Research Paper Abstract
This is a 6 page summary and annotated bibliography on Genny Lim. Genny Lim is a successful poet, writer, playwright and performance artist who is currently a professor at New College of California in San Francisco. The research related to her work reveals her significance and impact in the Asian American arts especially in regards to her play and historical texts on the Chinese Exclusion Act and the detainees at Angel Island until 1940. Her play “Paper Angels” has been exceptionally well received by all audiences and it is also considered important in highlighting the personal and public aspects of this component of American history previously unknown to most of the population.
Bibliography lists 10 sources.
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work reveals her significance and impact in the Asian American arts especially in regards to her play and historical texts on the Chinese Exclusion Act and the detainees at Angel
Island until 1940. Her play "Paper Angels" has been exceptionally well received by all audiences and it is also considered important in highlighting the personal and public aspects of this
component of American history previously unknown to most of the population. Lims importance to the study of literature is indeed significant in that she reveals many of the cultural aspects
within Asian American literature yet with a good combination of historical and contemporary references and resources. Lims poetry and performance art is read and performed across the country at many
multicultural festivals and she manages to successfully introduce her readers and viewers to aspects of the Asian American culture from a personal perspective yet her work still maintains a fresh
feel despite the historical oppression of Asian Americans. In addition, Lims work provides good contrast and compliment to other Asian American and multicultural American writers and has been well researched
in regards to historical accuracy. In regards to researching material based on the works of Genny Lim, it is not surprising to find that there is a fair amount available
in regards to information on the Internet and within journals, books and magazines. Because of Lims extensive reach in regards to the history of Asian Americans, her work is not
only included in reference to literary sources but also in reference to historical, legal, political and performance art sources. Researchers are able to pinpoint, if they like, a particular area
of Lims work which would interest them and find a fair amount of information in each of the areas although the most information is available in regards to her research