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A 5 page paper which examines the differences in the heroic figure in Sir Gawain and the Green Knight and Beowulf. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
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hero. They are stories that impart a particular sort of rules of such things as chivalry and bravery and honor, giving the reader an understanding of the ideals of the
culture. The following paper examines each character separately as they exemplify the hero of the time, and then the paper compares and contrasts the two. Gawain In Sir
Gawain and the Green Knight, writer around the 14th century, the reader is provided with an image of the knights of the Round Table and King Arthur. Sir Gawain is
a young knight, just essentially starting out in his pursuit of being a knight. He takes on the challenge of meeting with the Green Knight, a being who comes to
a feast and demands that someone prove how wonderful King Arthurs knights truly are. Sir Gawain, not wanting to risk the life or person of the king takes the challenge.
Gawain is a young and inexperienced knight, as mentioned, but he is also a man who understands the importance of honor and integrity. He risks his own life for
his leader, humbly agreeing to take the risk in the unknown encounter that will take place with the frightening Green Knight. He embarks on the journey to meet with the
Green Knight and comes across challenges which he seems to deal with honorably. At one point in the story he is staying in a wonderful estate owned by a
man of apparent importance. This man happens to be the Green Knight, although Gawain does not know it. The Green Knight is actually testing him in many ways. He insists
that Gawain not take anything, and Gawain is constantly tempted by the lady of the house. He ultimately gives in to temptation, taking a magical item that will apparently save