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Essay / Research Paper Abstract
This 4-page paper analyzes the article "Gulfstream Relies on International Supply Chains to Deliver World Class Aircraft," and discusses topics such as plant locations, infrastructure and logistics and just-in-time methods. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
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questions related to the article. From a logistical standpoint, what are all of the ways in which Gulfstream uses location to
maximize the effectiveness of its supply chain? Gulfstream is smart with its locations from a logistic standpoint - for example, its Savannah location is centrally located on the East
Coast, and it has air, rail and seaport access. This is an important factor, as many of the companys suppliers (and customers, for that matter), are international. For example, when
Gulfstream required tails and floors for its G500 and G550 aircraft, supplier Fokker in Holland shipped the parts via ocean transport, while Rolls Royce in Germany, which manufactured the engines,
relied on air transport. In the case of the engines, they arrived via airplane to the Atlanta International Airport, then were trucked down to Savannah. Furthermore Vought, which is in
Grand Prairie, TX, has moved its wing sections to the plant via rail. Chan et al (2007) point out that choosing a
site for a manufacturing and distribution center location is very important when it comes to an effective supply chain. These days, the authors note that selection of a site takes
into account a variety of criteria including location, nearness to a qualified employment base and access to infrastructure (Chan et al, 2007). Obviously cost is pretty important too (Chan et
al, 2007). Savannah, though not in a primary city, clearly has some huge benefits in terms of infrastructure. Also, because its not a primary city, the cost of living is
lower, not to mention the cost of operations. All of this has combined to help make Savannah a viable city in terms of a good manufacturing and distribution point.