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A 6 page paper that offers a brief explanation of each of these sociological theories. The writer applies each of these perspectives to religion and discusses that perspective views religion and change. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
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the big picture, or large patterns, and the last is a micro perspective which means it considers small patterns (Wiley Publishing, 2009). Symbolic interactionism studies the symbols in life events
and what the symbols mean. This perspective was initially based in Max Webers work in Germany and expanded on by George Mead in America (Wiley Publishing, 2009). Functionalism or the
functionalist perspective believes that the different aspects in a society are interdependent (Wiley Publishing, 2009), in other words, they cannot function successfully on their own. The conflict perspective is derived
from Karl Marxs work and thoughts about the struggle between classes in the society (Wiley Publishing, 2009). Of the three, the conflict perspective is negative while the other two are
positive. These theories can be applied to any aspect in society. Consider religion. The functionalist perspective would identify the interdependence between and among the symbols of religion, beliefs, rituals, and
norms. It is through these that people find comfort and support. The symbols provide a sense of security to the people. The interdependence of these aspects provide individual identify as
well as group identity. Emile Durkheim said that religion "is a unified system of beliefs and practices related to sacred things" (, 2009). Durkheim also believed that one can understand
religion only if they understand the religions symbols and what those symbols mean (, 2009). There is a civil religion as well that emerges as the nation evolves. In the
U.S., for instance, the country was founded on Christian beliefs. This is still found in writing on currency but a nation also develops a civil religion, according to functionalism, which
is exemplified in its own symbols and rituals, such as in holidays and those who were martyred/assassinated for their beliefs, such as the Kennedys and Martin Luther King, Jr. Another