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Essay / Research Paper Abstract
3 pages in length. Frustration, an emotion every single person on the planet has experienced at one time or another and to one extent or another, is the sense of being exasperated over events or situations that do not go according to plan. The scope of which frustration can be a momentary distraction or an all-out psychological encumbrance is both grand and far-reaching; that one's level of frustration is directly proportional to the ultimate outcome of the situation at hand speaks to degree of unmet needs or unresolved problems the frustrated individual experiences. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
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go according to plan. The scope of which frustration can be a momentary distraction or an all-out psychological encumbrance is both grand and far-reaching; that ones level of frustration
is directly proportional to the ultimate outcome of the situation at hand speaks to degree of unmet needs or unresolved problems the frustrated individual experiences. Associating frustration with the performance
of a marketer is not a considerable leap of faith, inasmuch as the level of ones achievement is inextricably interconnected with the amount of frustration he or she encounters.
If the marketer fails to meet a deadline because an associate did not uphold his end of the project, for example, the tremendous frustration the first marketer feels will most
assuredly have a detrimental impact upon the way in which not only this account is addressed but also with every other client with whom the marketer interacts. One of
the many harmful elements of frustration is that it causes people to go on the defensive due to their annoyance and disappointment that the situation did not turn out as
it was intended; when this attitude shift occurs, the tension level increases and interaction suffers. In some cases, frustration can spiral into violent tendencies. Sometimes the client creates frustration
in any number of ways, a reality the marketer must accept given the fact that the client may well take his or her business elsewhere, leaving the marketer to explain
why a lucrative account just walked out the door. Even under the best circumstances, however, clients can bring about tremendous frustration just with their needs, oftentimes requiring marketers to
reach far beyond the conventional boundaries inherent to marketing. Given how the marketing industry is the conduit between brand manufacturers and the consumer, it stands to reason why there