Here is the synopsis of our sample research paper on Fraternization (Article 134). Have the paper e-mailed to you 24/7/365.
Essay / Research Paper Abstract
This 5 page paper examines Article 134 of the military code that outlines fraternization. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
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to the citation methods listed below. Citation styles constantly change, and these examples may not contain the most recent updates.??
Fraternization (Article 134) for more information on using
this paper properly The military prohibits certain types of relationships, and this mandates that those enlisted are not able to associate with anyone they
like ("Fraternization," 2010). The idea of being prohibited from engaging in a friendship or a love affair with anyone seems to be a personal affront. People in the United
States of America feel that they have the right to become friends with whomever they like, but civilians have a great deal more choices than those who work for the
military. This is something that has always existed. Once someone joins the military, they are no longer free to do as they like. They cannot for example criticize the president
of the United States-a rather common occurrence in the civilian world-because the President of the United States is their chief commanding officer. Similarly, the military code also provides explicit instructions
on just whom a solider can associate with and whom they must avoid. This may seem unnecessarily harsh, but as the topic unfolds, it becomes clear that such codes are
necessary to run an effective military. The military does not make arbitrary rules. The rules are based on a code that has been designed with attention to detail. In general,
the military relies on two articles to define relationships and proper conduct, which are Article 92 and Article 134 ("Fraternization," 2010). Article 134 focuses entirely on the issue of fraternization